Upcoming Events

If you would like Mary to speak as part of your online event or to interview her,  please contact her at: mterhune317@yahoo.com.

FREE LIVE ZOOM WEBINAR with Q&A, January 8, 2025, 11 am EST with Mary Terhune, RN, Homeopathic Educator. Register today as space is limited! Link is below.

Free Webinar: Spiritual Awakening & Homeopathic Medicine

Rick Archer of the famed BUDDHA AT THE GAS PUMP podcast interview with Mary was Saturday, December 9th, 2023, at 3:30pm EST.  Below is a Link to the podcast!


May 16th and May 30th, 2021, Sunday at 5 PM EST on
www.wdyptalkradio.com for the audio only or for the video version on

From Self-realization To Bio-energetic Homeopathic Medicine: An Evolutionary Leap Beyond Our Wildest Dreams!

WHY ITS TIME IS NOW! Einstein said: “The future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies”.

We have a very special 2 part series with the amazing Mary Terhune https://www.maryterhune.com./events  Mary has been in the healing arts for over 40 years, journeying as a registered nurse from allopathy to the consciousness-based bio-energetic system of homeopathic medicine, body-centered therapeutic massage and Reiki. She studied at the Cambridge Institute for Muscular Therapy and the Renaissance Institute of Classical Homeopathy and has a degree in sociology from Boston College. After practicing in western medicine for over 15 years in various settings including hospitals, nursing homes and a medical practice, she discovered natural medicine out of the need to heal herself and her family. Mary will discuss her astonishing spontaneous spiritual awakening that occurred over 30 years ago and her understanding of the radical global spiritual awakening humanity is experiencing at this time. She will share how this awakening relates to the resurgence of homeopathic medicine, once part of our U.S. health-care system. We will also highlight her book “Out of the Blue” and her meeting with Dr. Wayne Dyer who called her description of her experience of Self-realization the best he has ever read in his 30 years of study.

Most Recent Events

APRIL 16, 2020 Thursday 1pm
April 22, 2020, Wednesday 1pm

***Please click here to go to my CLASSES page to register for my upcoming Live Zoom video class on “Homeopathic Support During Epidemics and Pandemics and This Transformative Time” – A class for women – the natural healers of this world!


April 9, 2020

I was interviewed by Suzanne Giesemann of Unity Online Radio on “Awaken to Your Higher Consciousness with Mary Terhune”.
Click here to go to my Media Page to listen in!

March 31, 2020

Mary is interviewed by Brian Smith on “How We Awaken In Crisis”.
Click here to go to my Media page to listen in!

January 8, 2020 Interview with Brian Smith: Self-Realization, Our Divine Nature

Past Events

JULY 20, 2019

Recent SKYPE Radio Interview out of the U.K. on The Kevin Moore Radio show.
You can skip the ads in the beginning by sliding forward!

JUNE 19, 2019

I was recently interviewed by Sandra Champlain of We Don’t Die Radio https://wedontdie.mykajabi.com/pages/radio-show.

I speak about how my spontaneous spiritual awakening and the events that followed forever dispelled the notion of death which I share in my International Hay House published book “Out Of The Blue, True-Life Experiences of Awakening, Revelation and Transformation” www.maryterhune.com.

LISTEN NOW ON YOUTUBE: at https://youtu.be/_QMy_1cuvOU

It will also be on iTunes, iHeartRadio and all the big podcast sites within 24 hours.

I hope everyone enjoys it and that you find it supportive on your path to the divine state within. Blessings, Mary

Want proof of life after death? Your loved ones may be physically…

NEW EVENT! Sunday, February 10, 2019, 2-4pm
I will attend as a participant and have my book available for purchase!

MEETUP Sponsored by IANDS & Spirituality & Mysticism Groups
Location: Panera Bread, 5 White Street
Porter Square, Cambridge MA
RSVP: Susan Hebard:  iands.boston@gmail.com

Topic: Becoming Your Divine Self and Manifesting the Miraculous Zone

Join us for a discussion on how each of us taps into the Divine within us and how that effects our daily lives.

  1. How do you get to an enlightened state? Is it spontaneous or do you have to work at it?
  2. Can you keep the feeling going? When it ends, are you able to get it back?
  3. Do you think you are here for a purpose? If so, do you know what it is or might be?

If you have found a book that helps a lot, please share the name of the book with us.

Please make your food and beverage purchases before joining us downstairs for the meeting. Look for the IANDS sign on the table. Please remember that everyone is expected to make a food and beverage purchase as this is a restaurant and we will be taking up a lot of table space for at least an hour and a half. Thank you.

Followup of Event!

We had a great turnout with inspiring interactions. Here is what one person wrote as I shared my experiences of spontaneous spiritual awakening and Self-Realization as she also awakened to her true nature by recognizing its existence living in her as her as I spoke:

“I felt so much joy and happiness listening to you. I remember tears in my eyes while you shared. It was so beautiful to listen to you. My mind was exploding after I left but at the same time I felt so much joy and happiness. I wanted to dance and just live. And the next day and evening I was told that my eyes were smiling.I felt all this joy and happiness. Meeting you and listening to you was such an amazing experience.”

SUNDAY, January 27, 2019 , 2:00 – 4:00 pm
Higher Consciousness Discussion with Hay House Author Mary Terhune

Location: Watertown Public Library, 2nd Floor Lucia Mastrangelo Room, 123 Main Street, Watertown MA
The Lucia Mastrangelo Room is on the second floor behind the staircase.

RSVP: Susan Hebard:  iands.boston@gmail.com

Sponsored by IANDS along with the Spirituality & Mysticism Meetup Group

Joining us for a discussion of Higher Consciousness is Mary Terhune, RN, International Hay House Author of “Out of the Blue, True-Life Experiences of Awakening, Revelation and Transformation”, homeopath, bodywork therapist and Reiki practitioner who will share her spontaneous mystical and near-death experiences that began 30 years ago. www.maryterhune.com

Refreshments: Only screw cap bottles are allowed in this room. No Food or cups. You are welcome to bring a beverage in a screw cap bottle.

The May class was a great success!
Introduction to Homeopathic Medicine – Acute Remedies

Date & Time:: Saturday, May 19, 2018, 10 am – 12:30 pm
Place: Roots & Wings, Yoga & Healing Arts Center, 317 N. Main Street, Natick MA 01760
Cost & Register:  $48. Contact Cari: email: cryding@comcast.net, cell: 508-333-1260

Followup of Meetup:
December 2nd, Sunday, the IANDS & Spirituality & Mysticism discussion on Higher Consciousness at Panera Bread, Porter Square, Cambridge MA was a great success attended by 15 people. Topics of spontaneous spiritual awakening, kundalini, brahman, nde’s were discussed from my Hay House published book “Out of the Blue, true-life experiences of awakening, revelation and transformation” and each person asked questions and commented on their own spiritual experiences. It was a profound and inspiring discussion! A big thanks to all who attended making it so enjoyable on a rainy day in Cambridge!

SUNDAY, December 2, 2018, 2-3:30pm
Higher Consciousness Discussion with Author Mary Terhune

Location: Panera Bread, 5 White Street, Porter Square, Cambridge MA
RSVP: Susan Hebard:  iands.boston@gmail.com

Sponsored by IANDS along with the Spirituality & Mysticism Meetup Group
Joining us for a discussion of Higher Consciousness with Mary Terhune, RN, International Hay House Author of “Out of the Blue, True-Life Experiences of Awakening, Revelation and Transformation”, homeopath, bodywork therapist and Reiki practitioner who will share her spontaneous mystical and near-death experiences that began 30 years ago. www.maryterhune.com

Please make your food and beverage purchases before joining us downstairs for the meeting. Look for the IANDS sign on the table. Please remember that everyone is expected to make a food and beverage purchase as this is a restaurant and we will be taking up a lot of table space for at least an hour and a half. Thank you.

In this 2.5 hour class you will learn:

1. what homeopathy is and how it works as consciousness-based medicine (mind/body)

2. common remedies for prevention treatment and cure of colds/flu, tick and cat bites, grief, accidents, bee stings, food poisoning, poison ivy etc.

3. how to recognize which remedy to use

4. the difference between flu/cold symptoms

5. the best way to use a remedy

6. how to make your own remedy bottle and dosing

7. suggested remedies to create your own kit for home use

Mary Terhune is an RN, Homeopathic Educator, CMT, Reiki Master, Sacred Connections Bodyworker, International Hay House author of “Out Of The Blue, True-Life Experiences of Awakening, Revelation and Transformation”. In her book Mary shares her spiritual awakening story and also how it led to her becoming a homeopathic educator. Contact her at: 978-505-9554, mterhune9@comcast.net, www.maryterhune.com

Saturday, April 14, 2018
The Living Library at the Morse Institute Library, 14 E. Central Street, Natick MA 01760, from 10:30am-2pm

Event Schedule:
10am-11am: Same day registration & check-in
11am-1pm: 15-minute blocks of conversation
1pm-2pm: Regroup and discussion

Living books can be reserved ahead of time starting on 4/2 by stopping by the 2nd floor reference desk, or by calling 508-647-6521 with a limit of 4 session reservations per person during pre-registration. You will also be able to reserve books the morning of the event from 10am-11am.

The “Living books” are people who have a story to share about their life and people can sign up to speak one-on-one for 15 minutes with that person. I will be sharing topics from my book “Out of the Blue, True-Life Experiences and Awakening, Revelation and Transformation” ranging from my spiritual awakening, to self-realization (the ascension process), to my near-death experiences. Come and join me, I look forward to your questions!  Call in advance to sign up to make sure you have a reservation or sign up the morning of the event.


IANDS Greater Boston International Association for Near-Death Studies Group

April 7, 2018, Saturday 10am – 12n
1139 Highland Ave, Needham Library, Needham MA

Ascension of Humanity on Earth: Next Frontier of Consciousness
Mary Terhune is an RN, International Hay House Author of “Out Of The Blue, True-Life Experiences of Awakening, Revelation and Transformation”, Homeopath, Bodywork Therapist and Reiki Practitioner. Mary will share her spontaneous mystical and near-death experiences that began 30 years ago that included her experience of Ascension and the divine message she received regarding the future.  Free admission. Donations accepted. Registration is required for meetings. To register please contact iands.boston@gmail.com

(After the meeting attendees are invited to the Mandarin Restaurant in Needham for lunch and conversation. Lunch is at participant’s expense.)

***Download of the audio file from the Radio interview is now on my Media tab***

March 31st, 2018, Saturday 10-11am EST on WZBC 90.3 FM – Boston College radio, EXPANDING AWARENESS Radio Interview

I will be interviewed by Victor Venckus of “Expanding Awareness”. You can listen live on your radio or on the web at WZBC.radio.net. Call-ins are welcomed near the end of the interview 617-552-4686.

This will be a preview to a FREE talk and PowerPoint presentation I will give for IANDS on Saturday, April 7th, 2018, 10am-12n, entitled: “Ascension of Humanity on Earth: Next Frontier of Consciousness” at the Needham Library, Needham MA, where I share my spontaneous mystical and near-death experiences that began over 30 years ago and the experience of ascension and divine message I was given for humanity recounted in my Hay House published book “Out Of The Blue, True-Life Experiences of Awakening, Revelation, and Transformation.” To save a seat at this Free event you need to pre-register at iands.boston@gmail.com

Check out my website www.maryterhune.com for more information. Hope you can join me!

Does Death Exist? Sunday, January 21, 2018, 1-3pm


176 Jackson Road
Devens, MA 01434

RN, Near-Death Experiencer and Hay House Author of Out of the Blue,
True-Life Experiences of Awakening, Revelation and Transformation

Mary Terhune shares her unique experience of her own death while working
at MIT and how it changed her view of life and understanding of consciousness.
Come and join in on the conversation. Cost $25 in advance, $30 at the door.

Register online at:

Limited copies of Mary’s book will be available at the event ($10)

RADIO INTERVIEW, Saturday, July 15, 2017 at 10am EST on WZBC 90.3 FM – Boston College radio. (The audio is now available on my MEDIA tab!)

I will be interviewed by Victor Venckus of Expanding Awareness. You can listen live on your radio or on the web at WZBC.org. Click on the red arrow bottom left to listen live. Call-ins are welcomed near the end of the interview 617-552-4686.

The topic of this interview will be Awakening Now To Our Higher Consciousness. I will share the circumstances of my own awakening spanning 30 years recounting some of those mystical experiences published by Hay House November 2015 in my book OUT OF THE BLUE, true-life experiences of awakening, revelation and transformation.

I will also speak about how this is the age dissolution of the separative egoic structure and mind and the integration of the Beloved within and will offer some suggestions to support this process of recovering our true nature including the integrative bodywork I offer at Groton Therapeutic Massage in Groton MA. You can go to my website www.maryterhune.com for more information. Hope you can join me!

wrpiClick here to listen to interview!

January 19th Thursday, 2 PM, est

LIVE Radio Interview: In The Spirit Radio with Gary Goldman WRPI-91.5 Troy NY Listen Live at www.wrpi.org

Gary Goldman will interview Mary Terhune LIVE on his Radio Show “In The Spirit” on her new book OUT OF THE BLUE, True-Life Experiences of Awakening, Revelation and Transformation. You can tune in to the radio station at WRPI-91.5 or on the web at www.wrpi.org. 

Awaken and Affirm Your Potential for Spiritual Enlightenmentviolet-2

Pembroke, MA – October 15, 2016
Saturday, 1:00 PM- 3:30 PM

This is a time of global changes and a time when we are moving into a 5th dimensional level of consciousness ushering in paradigm shifts. Become one with the opportunities of these times to awaken and affirm your inner divinity. Come and join Hay House international author Mary Terhune and Karen Paolino for a powerful enlightening afternoon.

Mary will speak about:
– how to be free from the solitary confinement of the ego
– unifying the feminine/masculine principles within necessary for ascension
– understanding and harnessing the innate power of our breath
– how to blow the conch to tune and awaken to the divinity within- experience the power of that sacred sound – bring your own trumpet conch or just listen

Karen will lead us into short meditations interspersed throughout the afternoon giving us tools to help us assimilate and contemplate our experiences.

Heaven on Earth
18 Columbia Road
Pembroke, MA 02359

For more information, directions and to register click below:

Natural Market

The Natural Market, Groton, MA 01450
June 11, 2016
11- 2
Out Of The Blue

“Mary Terhune has written the best description of self-realization I have ever read”

 – Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

“I highly recommend Mary Terhune’s book on spiritual enlightenment”
– Dr. Raymond Moody
Author, Life After Life     

The Natural Market
148 Main Street, Groton, MA 01450

slider_april162016Messages of Forgiveness, Faith & Miracles
Braintree, MA – April 16, 2016

If you are ready and you want to change how you feel, bring peace and change to the pain in your life, and you are frustrated with what’s going on in the world? Then you will be called to attend this event organized by Angel Messenger Karen Paolino, creator of the Create Heaven website.

Join three AMAZING authors that Dr. Wayne Dyer discovered and knew their messages and story had to be shared with the world, Scarlett Lewis,, the author of Healing Nurturing Love and Mary Terhune the author of Out of the Blue and Karen Paolino, the author of Awakening Your Divine Self.

Three messengers

SFKPrivate Event, San Francisco, CA ~ January 30, 2016

“Conversations with Mary” , San Francisco, CA
Speaking about the topics in her book with Q&A.

Private Event

Wayne Dyer and Mary TuhaneDivine Love Seminar, Maui, Hawaii ~ January 26, 2014

Dr. Wayne Dyer’s Divine Love Seminar, Maui, Hawaii.

Surprise Guest Speaker.

This was the event when the new publication of Out Of The Blue was announced by Dr. Dyer then published by Hay House November 17, 2015. Listen to the audio of Dr. Dyer reading the entire chapter on self-realization located on the media page  https://maryterhune.com/media/.